Monthly Archives: October 2019

World’s first bluetooth based Car Sharing Platform

Mobokey is the world’s first Bluetooth base car-sharing platform. The sharing platform is not a trend but it is here to stay. It is the farsightedness of our founders that they developed an app that not only allows access using a smartphone app but also a complete platform. This platform became the world’s first Bluetooth based car-sharing platform namely, Mobokey. The use of Bluetooth has more advantages than using any other way of communication. Other companies that followed the trend have switched or are switching to Bluetooth. Why Mobokey uses Bluetooth? Safe and secure It is a misconception that Bluetooth is [...]


Control multiple cars with one app

Mobokey is a smartphone app that allows you to control multiple cars with one app. With Mobokey’s platform, users can simply access, secure and share the car. Since, we provide a single platform, that enables the users to perform all the functions that they need in their smartphone. Therefore, removing the need to carry car keys at all. This feature is vastly used for car sharing and rental car companies. That is why Mobokey is just the perfect solution for car-sharing companies. How to control multiple cars with one app? This is rather a simple process. Install the devices in [...]



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