Monthly Archives: January 2019

Why Rental Companies need a Smartphone Car Key Remote

Car Chabi is your car key remote in your smartphone. And today we are going to discuss that how can car Rental Companies make use of Smartphone Car Key Remote? Difficulties faced by Car Sharing and Rental Companies 1. Keeping track of Cars: The repetitive issue for car sharing and rental companies is keeping track of cars. And where these cars are shared. With Car Chabi, we provide the management of cars. 2. Management of time: Managing time is another issue which car-sharing companies face on a daily basis. Our car-sharing platform also takes care of time as well. Managing the time [...]


A complete guide to share your car key remote

Following are the step to share your car key remote using Car Chabi How to share your car? 1: Install the device in the car which you want to share. 2: Create the account on the Car Chabi app. 3: After the account is created and the device is installed, enter the master key which by default is “1010”. After entering the master key, this user will become the Master Owner of the car. 4: The device will ask for the pairing key, which by default is “123456”. 5: Swipe from Right to Left to open the side menu. 6: [...]



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